Salesforce Outsourcing Article
Salesforce is the world’s leading cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It was founded in 1999 and has been growing ever since. Salesforce has over 100,000 customers, including 80% of the Fortune 500 companies.
The benefits of Salesforce offshore outsourcing are:
- Reduced costs – You can save up to 50% when you outsource your Salesforce projects to an experienced offshore team.
- Faster delivery times – With access to a global pool of resources, you’ll get results faster than if you were working with just one or two developers at a time.
What is Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing?
Salesforce offshoring is a process where you outsource your Salesforce development, maintenance, and support to a third-party company. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your business while the third-party handles all of your Salesforce needs.
The benefits of this include:
- Increased productivity – Your employees will be able to focus on what they do best while the outsourced team handles their tasks efficiently and effectively.
- Reduced costs – The cost savings that come with using an offshore team can be substantial if you have enough work for them to do (there are many factors involved here).
Benefits of Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing
- Cost Savings
- Access to Talent
- Improved Quality
Challenges of Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing
- Time zone differences:
When you’re working with an offshore team, it’s important to keep in mind that they will likely be operating on a different schedule than you are. This can lead to communication issues if you don’t plan and make sure everyone is aware of the time difference. If your team is in North America and yours is based out of Europe or Asia, for example, then there will most likely be some lag between when messages are sent and received by each party (especially if there are any urgent matters).
Tips for Successful Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing
- Choose the Right Partner
- Have a Clear Contract
- Establish Clear Communication Channels
Advantages of Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing
- Access to Global Talent
- Cost Savings
- Improved Quality
Disadvantages of Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing
There are a few disadvantages to Salesforce offshore outsourcing, but they can be overcome.
The biggest disadvantage is time zone differences. If your team is located in the United States and you’re outsourcing to India or another country with a different time zone, there will be some delay in communication between teams as well as issues that arise due to miscommunication between team members who are working at different times of day. This can be mitigated by using tools like Slack or Google Hangouts so that everyone is on the same page at all times (or at least as much as possible).
Another disadvantage is language barriers–even if both parties speak English fluently, there may still be some misunderstanding because of cultural differences in how people communicate verbally and nonverbally (i.e., body language). This can also be mitigated by using tools like Skype video calls where you can see each other’s faces while talking so that no misunderstandings occur due to misreading facial expressions or body language cues such as eye contact
Common Pitfalls of Salesforce Offshore Outsourcing
When you’re working with a Salesforce offshore outsourcing company, there are many things that can go wrong. Here are some common pitfalls:
- Poor communication
- Lack of transparency in the process and project management
- Poor quality
We’ve covered the pros and cons of Salesforce offshore outsourcing, and we hope that you’ll find this information helpful as you make your decision.
- Pros:
- You can save money by hiring an offshore team to do work for you at a lower cost than if you hired in-house employees.
- Your clients may appreciate that their data is being stored in another country (especially if they’re concerned about privacy).
- It’s easier to manage an offshore team compared with managing an onshore one because there are fewer time zones between them and your business headquarters, which means less communication issues.